

Monday, July 20, 2015

Laughing never hurt nobody

Ladies I will first like to Introduce myself. My name is Clareissa and I will be your go to girl for years to come. I have been there and done many things and I want to help ladies to turn the other Cheek. Ask Clare will be here very soon! Okay, lets talk about these woman that spend there whole life trying to change these man. Don’t be that lady! Been there done that! You need a man that’s already cooked all you have to do is warm his azz up. Put him on an instant minute and he’s ret to go! That is what I call an Microwave Man. Examples are here upon request.. Okay, I will stop now to see how this blogging thing works. I am kind of new to this. Feel free to Ask Clare— anything!

Hell No I don't want to have your Damn Baby!!

 Lets talk ladies, please do not trick yourself into believing a baby will keep a man. That is not the case. In a matter of fact, a baby can make you loose a man. Let's be real, some man, not all, some man do not know how to handle change and we all know being pregnant and having an baby bring's change to a relationship.

Every woman is not equipped to carry a baby and still be sexy at the same time. Especially, when that 7 and 8 month hit you. By then, the woman body is all stretched out of shape, breast hanging full of heavy milk, and you are not tolerant for any bull crap. Do you think your upcoming baby daddy will accept this change or be patient enough to put up with your attitude? If you are not sure ladies -  Do your home work? Some of these dog ass, inconsiderate ass man will try and leave you around this time to find a much more attractive woman and ease back to you when it is time for the baby to arrive -- if your lucky.

Don't forget about the 6 to 8 week waiting period after the baby is born and sex is not allowed!! Will your man wait the full 6 to 8 weeks or will his selfish ass try to get in where he fit in after about hmmm 2 to 3 weeks? Uhm hum,,, you are not for sure huh!! Do your home work? You would think that he will show some compassion since it wasn't too long ago  you just pushed out a baby and you are bleeding every where lol... I know TMI (too much information)..

Okay, okay,, If you are one of the ladies  for a fact you have a good man or for my man that are tuning in -- know you are a good man. Hand of Applause to You! But before we clap, Can you afford this baby? If you are not for sure - Do your home work? Those Huggies and baby Wipes are not getting any cheaper!!

Clare is only trying to open up most ladies eyes, that's all. Don't be trying to judge me lol!! No for real, some man do a great job tricking ladies into having their kids and the ladies are caught in the moment. Hopefully, you want be one of the ladies that will be caught in the moment after you read this.

Reason being -
 If you really do believe if you get pregnant by this man you all will live happily ever after, you have another thing coming!
If you think, he will leave his wife because you are pregnant, you have another thing coming!
If you think, if I have this baby I won't never have to work again because this man is rich, your dumb ass really have another thing coming because that is just Wrong and God do not sleep!

Just be smart ladies and don't forget your comment's are always welcome!

Oh, and if you are a lady that had been caught up already, don't feel bad. I have another blog coming soon about how to handle their inconsiderate asses!!